Friday, December 11, 2009

Back to talk abt my dream cause it's far more interesting than wad i'm doin in real life. It goes like this ::
I'm with my mum and Fann Wong walking in the hills. Dno why also. Just walking. Then a monster appeared. Like those in the power ranger show. Vry ugly type. It attacked Fann Wong. She turned into a vampire monster. Start biting me. Then my mum disappeared. Dno why henglong appeared. I attacked him. Then there's this little red spaceship landing beside us. The monster escaped. Fann Wong dno go where. We went back to our headquaters(?). It was located in the middle of the town. Like the teen titians tower. Or the airport thing.Wadever. Then dno why a monster's chasing me. I flew(?) away. He chased me. Quite scary. He was chasing me across roads,pass vehicles,over buildings.. We were flying! SCARY. He was a good flyer. Vry fast. I was slow.
Dno why it kept asking me 'Is that your best?' I flew faster he followed.
He's just really fast. In the end I went on a bike. He's still catching.
Then dno why we ended up underground. Something like tunnel. Got sand.
Dead end so I got off the bike. He told me not to play any tricks.
Okay,no tricks. I stared at him. He took out a lazer gun(?). He told me not to run away. I told me I cant.It's a dead end. Stupid monster. He shot me with that lazer thing. Quite pain like electric shock. I faked death and waited for him to go away. The water's rushing in already. It's gonna rain. Finally he left.
Dno why I didnt get up. I floated all the way to the big space.I dno wad is that. Then got a float. So I lie on it till winter(?) came. Got some flower shop thing.
I dno wad's that abt. Then I swam to the little drain. Saw my blanket and wrap myself. Saw a door. Opened it and saw my mum. I'm in my aunt's hse. Then to the guest room and ate walnuts. So weird! At least I didnt die.
Then my phone rang. In real life. It's my aunt. LOL She ask me if I wanted to go to her hse. Scary. Still quite early. So I went back to sleep again. Had another dream. Haiz. My brain just doesnt stop. Dreamt that I was doing a duet with someone. Dno who. Then Micky yoochun was playing the piano. Then song is [don't say goodbye] by DBSK The link : Quite sad ah. Then it ended. LOL Might not be around nxt week.Going malaysia.Not confirmed yet tho.
Bye! :)

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