Sunday, September 2, 2012

Let's have a random post! Since I'm bored. I might as well start a holiday blog. Haha Two months holiday, what am I going to do?  T_T
Anyway, my collection of ribbons. I actually another red flowery one, god know what happened to it. It will never be returned to its rightful owner! Rest in peace ribbon! (It's one of my fav one..)  T_T  Anyway, my favourites: The one that looks like Burberry. The shiny blue one (Got it at Natsu Matsuri). The pink one. (It's siffron? Good material). I really like the white polka dots one too. It feels really funky. But I rarely use it nowadays. 
And the three clips which are collecting dust in my drawer.. Don't know what to do with them. Clipping on is so troublesome. 
The little tiniest one is given by Jing-chan. It gives me a Hello Kitty feel. So if I feel like a cat that day, I'll use that. HAHA I'm kidding. I use it when I feel really girly and Hello Kitty-ish. 
 This one.. I accidentally left it out cause it was hidden at the bottom. It's the MOST EXPENSIVE ONE!! It's like.. $5? I can't rem. But it's really expensive. The rest are all less than $3. It's good material I guess.. Maybe it's the stubs that are costly. Hmm.. Nonetheless, I like ribbons a lot.
 The tea from Natsu Matsuri! Free gifts.. Cause they're all expiring soon. Haha The taste and smell are really strong. And the flavours are nice. I have not tried the Green Tea Muscat one though. No idea what it is. But they have the morning, afternoon and night. Oh! It's in order! From left to right, morning to night. Cool~! Anyway, aren't the packaging so glam? >-<
 And this is me.. After exams and sleep deprived. Can't even smile anymore. Need to sleep. Haha
But I am more awake now. CAUSE IT'S HOLIDAYS!! I shall bunk at my cousin's house and never come back!! Wahahaha~ But there's Talent Race. I wanna win something! *ambitious*
I really like my white skin.. Though any blemishes can been seen easily. But.. white is nice~ Like.. erm.. nice? I don't know. But I like. Whatever. I just hope I can do something about my pores though. They aren't really visible normally, but if you come really close to me. You can see everything!
Good night. I have made a resolution to eat more and gain some muscles for SSM.
Speaking about that.. I had two dinners and I'm still hungry..
:O I'm turning into ShimChangMin! Oh no~


And we have the alien.. eating soap in the bathtub. I'm kidding. Pardon me. 
But isn't this.. obscene?! :O
(girly, blowing bubbles in the bathtub. only girls so that)

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