Saturday, July 2, 2011

Woah. Yijing found something interesting for me to do. Interpreting my dreams. Heheh. Seems fun. Shall do it. Hmm.. My dream. I bought Xiaoxiaobin to the toilet and then became late for school cause there's a hamster on my bag and i dont know what to do with it.

Hm. my bag wasnt stolen or lost.. So I guess the bag part doesnt count.

A boy in a dream can represent many different things. For clues to his meaning, consider the context of the boy and your feelings about him.

Whether you know the boy or not, he could represent:

  • The key characteristics that stand out about him in the dream, such as humor, protectiveness, maschismo, intelligence, etc.
  • General young male characteristics such as curiosity, protectiveness, strength, or assertiveness or aggression
  • Your inner child, your playfulness and need for fun, or your vulnerability and need for support and empathy
ERm.. to the toilet?? Nth said. Forget it.

Hamster- Curious, nosey, tending to get into everything. The idea that focusing on the small things can bring big results. The feeling that something is pestering you, "gnawing away at you," or "nickel and diming" you. Dreaming of this animal can represent:
  • Having too much of one of these qualities, or that you could benefit by being less this way. (so true!!)
  • Not having enough of one of these qualities, or that you could benefit by being more like this
  • Someone or something in your real life with whom you associate one of these qualities (an event, situation, threat, etc.
Moma's nagging is getting to me?? :/

Arriving late for something can mean:

  • Whatever you are late for in the dream represents something very important to you in real life (yeah, like sch)
  • You're neglecting a responsibility
  • You'd like to avoid the thing you're late for(true), you're dreading it, or you're afraid of failure
  • You're feeling passive-aggression towards an authority that is represented by whatever you're late for
  • You feel you have too much on your mind or on your schedule, or that you're feeling disorganized

Being late and feeling bad about it can mean you are experiencing or fearing a loss of control, or of being controlled by outside circumstances, somehow in your life.

I didnt feel bad.. So it's a good thing I suppose.

Toilet - Getting rid of things, especially things that are used up, that are no longer needed, that have gone bad or are toxic. Examples might include outdated or toxic thoughts, emotions, judgments, beliefs, people or relationships.

An overflowing toilet (a toilet that will not flush) can represent a problem getting rid of the things described above—perhaps an unwillingness to let go of toxic or outdated aspects of your life, which are now polluting your mind, body, or life.

Something you value getting flushed down the toilet can mean that you feel that you've lost something, or that you let something go that you believe you should have held onto in your life.

That's xiaoxiaobin's part..

That's all! Hm. Conclusion. I'm being nagged at too much and sch's really important to me now. How true :)

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