Monday, April 9, 2012

I am done with my wardrobe! *proud*
It is now arranged according to colours and types. It still doesn't look professional though. I thought the colour contrast might be obvious, but it's not. Hah Nevermind. Let's just hope I don't mess it up.
  It's like a sale going on here! Haha

End result! ^-^
My wardrobe looks quite small.. HMM. 
Anyway. I counted as I arranged them. Like stock checking..
I have :
5 formal wear shirts
12 dresses
11 jackets
10 vest & whatever nonsense
5 red shirt
9 long sleeves
2 pink/maroon/green shirts
11 black shirts
10 grey shirts
3 purple
4 yellow
10 blue
17 white
TOTAL: 103++
Those washing and hanging not counted.
Gosh. I can start a clothes store already.
Why does it seem that I don't have enough clothes in the first place?
Maybe I should start giving my old clothes away.. 
They took up 1/3 of the count already.

The NII autograpghed photos: 
 Yoochun's signature is so nice! If you compare it to Junsu's scribblings..YEAH.
Although I really liked the Xiah he added *shrugs*
 Everyone is abnormally skinny. Don't they eat!?
I've never seen a chubby Chun or Jae before.
But I know Su can be chubby if he actually eats.
Stupid musical!! 
I wanna buy the DVD.. 
I like NII clothes collection! The cartoons are so cute! 
Pray and hope they sell it in SG soon.

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