Thursday, May 24, 2012

I am so tired! And I missed my alarms this morning. Yes, alarmS. I set two alarms. And I missed both! Guess my brain and body disagreed with each other when I said I only needed 7 hours of sleep. It needed 8 or 9hours actually. Haha BUT. I was still on time for my lecture. How awesome am I? Really. HAHA VERY~

Okay. So today's trip to Sentosa is really.. Sentosa is such an 'expandable' place. Like.. it's opening up a lot of new attractions end of this year and they're all pretty much exciting. Interesting. Lots of people will come, I'm sure. Who am I to say this anyway? Obviously people will come! If not, they won't build it! Haha *states the obvious*

The guide, Louis, is nice. He's an TP graduate too. Now.. he's a manager in charge of interns. Well.. That isn't exactly the best job in the world. Except that managing the hotel HR and operations is pretty cool, in a way. Trust me, I've worked part time for MICE during the holidays. Whatever you do, when you join RWS, do not join their banquet team! The managers there.. You have to work till 1am in the morning. Tear down and turn over is no joke. You need workers who are willing to stay for overtime. And most won't stay. Large event banquets always end late. Turning over will take at least 2hours and it'll be 2am. Trust me, I tried overtime. 2am! I reached home at 3.30am! It was so hardcore. Guess that's why.. Everything seem so.. small case to me now. I tried 3.30am. Doing work till 1am.. Nah, no biggie, really. Haha *arrogant*

But it was also that hardcore period that I slimmed down A LOT. Too much, in fact. I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't even need to slim down. I'm already too skinny. With that much weight I've lost that time, I can't seem to gain it back now. Sigh. The only place that seemed to be gaining weight is my face and my stomach. Rest the case, for now. Worry next time.

One time I have to say, nth to do with Sentosa anymore. It's more of my personal life story.
I hate it, well, dislike a lot, to put it in nicer terms- People who doesn't appreciate. Life isn't that bad you know. Unless you're 30 and cant find a job, or you lost your whole family, or you have depression, or you.. You get what I mean. A well, healthy, alive and kicking person, shouldn't have that much complains. As a person, you shouldn't be that pessimistic too! I mean, do you have problems like I do? Do you have my problems to deal with? Do you have the CEOs problems to deal with? Or the president? Or your friends? Or your family members? Or some homeless kid's problem? 

NO. You only have your own problem to deal with, and to me, your problems are NONE/INVALID compared to many others. Some people even have to worry about their next meal. But you don't have to. So how hard can life be for you, for you to keep whining, complaining and grumbling like that? Being optimistic isn't that difficult! Just.. If you have nothing good to say, then don't say anything. Heard it before have you? I'm sure you did. 

If you're in a bad mood, well, yes, share it with someone, smile and get over it. Trust me, complaining the whole day will not get you anywhere. Worse, it will dampen others' mood. It happened a lot recently. I am..yeah, me, forever in a good mood, most of the time. Then, grumpily comes a grumpy/moody person, showing me unnecessary bad attitude, speaking words that none deserves- THAT WAS REALLY A MOOD SPOILER. One thing I really hate is a person being rude to innocent others. Did he do anything bad to you? No. Then why that attitude? If you are in his shoes, would you want to be treated like that? No? Then why do it? The feeling sucks, you know. To talk to someone nicely, only to be replied with a curt answer. It's like asking for a cold glass of coke, only to have the waitress pour it onto your face. That kind of feeling, you feel wronged, maligned, upset. Don't do it please. It does no good to others.

I've said this before- Being true to yourself before being true to others = Being trustworthy before getting trusted.   I mean it. You cannot continue your life like this. You need to find yourself. Being like this.. It will only last you this long. It wouldn't go on forever, you know this right? One lie to cover another. How many lies can you create? You'll be living a lie. No one can live a lie. NO ONE CAN. If your whole life is a lie, you have no purpose. Even if you keep something in for a long time, you will have to come clean someday. One day, you will not be able to hide it. One day, you will realise you have nothing. How would you live your life then?

"Being a person that never gets angry even when the joke was carried too far. Being a person who empathizes and bears every little sensitive feeling a human can possibly feel. Being a person who forgives and forgets like breathing in oxygen everyday. Being a person who never gives up on himself even when all hope is deemed lost. Being a person who laughs with others even when others are laughing at him. Being a person who cries over something instead of everything and nothing. Being a person who manages himself well and never fails to always present a positive image. Being a person who is so honest, it becomes a joke when he lies. Being a person who works so hard, it is a privilege to even sleep. Being a person who is thankful for every little thing ever done, he appreciates. Being a person who is so polite even close friends could not bear. Being a person who is respected by others, his fall is applauded. That's the person I want to be. How about you?''  -Trecia

Think about it. 

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