Monday, July 23, 2012

It's late. 
I realized morning or night- it's always late.
Time just slipped pass me like that.
No wonder it felt that I aged so quickly.
I better stop wasting time and do more useful things.
But things that are considered useful in this lifetime, I'll never get to do it.
Maybe, if I was born 5 years earlier, I would have been someone else.
Perhaps. This person, as me, born in 1994, is simply redundant. 
It's not that I don't cherish my life. I do like my life now, but it never contents me.
I am not doing things that I should be doing. Or I felt like I should be doing.
Life- shouldn't be so simple.
Yet, it is already so hard to live.

(distracted by tweets*
I hope Jae is alright. 4metres is quite high.. Jae better be okay.
I shall not mop around thinking of stupid things that will not change.

A smiling Jae to pull me through.
Compared to him, whatever I am struggling with, it's nothing!

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